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Golds Nuggets & Golds Bars

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UAE, Dubai

As the seller, we are ready, willing and able to deliver the consignment with the following specifications:
Specification of Product
Commodity Purity Quantity Price per 1 KG Total Destination
: PURE, ( KT)

1.1 Shipment & Inspection:
The total quantity that we have in stock is about 2500kg of Golds Nuggets/bars and will do a trial shipment of as per what will be agreed between the two parties. Delivery will be under tight supervision of the Security Company; they will monitor and ensure safe delivery of the cargo accordingly.
1.2 Delivery Acceptance of Consignment: Payment Terms
Upon delivery of the consignment to the refinery of the Buyers choice, payment shall be effected by Telegraphic Transfer (TT) within 48 hours after satisfactory tests done at the refinery to the full invoice value in-tandem with the respective quantity purchased.
1.3 Documents Required:
The Seller undertakes to deliver the following documentations to the Buyer:-
1.3.1 Duly signed Commercial Invoice - 1 Original and 3 Copies clearly stating that the total amount for the goods to be paid based on the final assay done by a refinery of the buyers choice.
Original Airway Bill on the Buyers name
1.3.3 Export Authorization /Permit
1.3.4 Gold Export License.
1.3.5 Certificate of Origin
1.3.6 Certificate of Analysis

2.1 Seller sends Full Corporate Offer (FCO) to the Buyer or his representative
2.2 Buyer will sign, seal and send back the same to the seller.
2.3 The Seller sends a letter of invitation to the buyer.
2.4 The Buyer or his representative flies to NAIROBI - KENYA / DUBAI for joint Top Table Meeting (TTM) physical check and verify the availability of the Golds Nuggets & Golds Bars and seal the product.
2.5 On satisfaction of the terms by both sides, the buyer and seller representative will accompany the shipment cargo to the buyers destination for final assay.
2.6 The buyer will take care of the melting charges in case he/she wants to melt the Golds.
We are avery serious minded company and only very serious clients will entertained. We will not take any money from clients until the quality and quantity are verified by buyer or agent.
Posted:   24 November 2016
Ad No:   1776
Ad Status:   Normal
Updated:   Not Updated
Viewed:   513
Auto Update:   Off
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