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A know-how in converting salt water to fresh water
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Vitaliy Mikhailovich
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-Все Эмираты
Языковая помощь
We suggest you highly technological and innovative equipment that ensures drawing fresh drinking water from salt water. This is fundamentally new approach to the problem of desalination of salt water. The newly developed and patented desalination installation radically differs from already existent systems. Currently
there are no companies that have similar approach.
The obtained water complies with all water quality requirements.
The fully autonomous desalination installation is a compact autonomous mechanism that performs all basic operations of water desalination in accordance with reverse osmosis technology. Installation is easily sectionalized. It can be assembled into desalination station of any efficiency simply by joining sections together.
- do not use any reagents;
- do not cause toxic environmental discharge;
- are simple to operate and maintenance-free;
- are safe to operate, since in the process of desalination no high electric potential or emissions or hazardous materials are in use;
- are compact and have low energy-consumption, that is the reason why portable version with mobile generator (wind-generator) power supply can be produced and mounted on any carrier vehicle, chassis, trailer, sea- and river crafts, railway platforms and etc.
Productivity of one installation is 30 cubic meters per day
Production cost of drinking water with the use of desalination installation on sea-crafts practically goes to zero, as any marine power generator has enough of reserve capacity to cover installation’s electric drive power consumption.
The price of the equipments 30-50% lowers then cost of similar equipment of any other suppliers in the world.
The price of the assembling and installing is 50% lower that other supplier's equipment one.
Staff time and assembly time is 10-12 times lower than the equipment of other suppliers.
One of the installations is already running abroad on the resort island.
You can also observe working installations in Russia. Currently, the installations of this kind are working on several shipping companies’ sea-crafts, that running in the water zones of Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Baltic Sea. One of the cruisers, that is currently located in the Black Sea Coast, demonstrates the work of the desalination installation during it’s working and non-working hours for informational purpose.
Productivity of one installation - 30 cubic meters per day.
Electric drive output - 4 kW.
Hydraulics operations pressure – 55-60 kilos per square centimeter.
Power consumption - 2.1…2.3 kWh for production of 1 cubic meter of drinking water.
Weight is 148 kilos.
Size - 2060 х 300 х 270 mm.
Installation with 1000 cubic meters productivity per day occupies 1,5 square meters and has the height of 2.7 meters.
Supply and maintenance support:
Autonomous desalination installation and the system of assembling it into desalination stations of any productivity with the system of electronic control allow to diagnose, repair and operate each installation separately without shutting the whole station down. Hydraulic drive design allows to replace it with reserve one without pressure release in hydraulics.
- Price of one desalination installation with productivity of 32 cubic meters of freshwater per day is $18 000 (eighteen thousand dollars).
Productivity (capacity) of desalination station comprising 18 installation is 576 cubic meters per day.
The price of 18 desalination installations with productivity of 576 cubic meters per day is $288 000
(two hundred eighty eight thousand dollars).
Desalination system with productivity of 1000 cubic meters/day will cost not much than $500 000
(five hunderd thousand dollars), uncluding mounting cost and provision cost of auxiliary equipment.
The maximum price of 1 cubic meter of desalted water (during desalination of salt water) will amount to $0,70 – 0,94, depending on filtering degree of source water. Desalination station with productivity of 1000 cubic meters per day occupies a floor space of 1,5 square meters and has the height of 2,7 meters. The mounting of such kind of installation takes full work day. In case fine or ultrafine preliminary sea water purification, the necessity of which is defined by composition of source sea water, is needed, desalination installation is supplied with fine or ultrafine filtration unit.
With best regards, Vitaliy Mikhailovich
Chelyabinsk, Russia
+7 351 270 15 73
Номер объявления:   1274
Добавлено:   2010 ноября 06
Тип объявления:   Предложение
Количество просмотров:   1367
Статус объявления:   Обычное

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